Royal Match: Lives


In Royal Match, lives play a crucial role in determining how many attempts you have to conquer each level. Understanding how lives work can greatly enhance your gameplay experience and help you plan your strategy more effectively.

Maximum Lives and the Royal Pass

Players can hold a maximum of five lives at any given time. However, if you have the Royal Pass, this limit increases to eight lives, allowing for more opportunities to tackle challenging levels. This feature is particularly beneficial for players who enjoy engaging with the game regularly and wish to explore its intricacies without interruptions.

Losing Lives and Replenishment

You lose one life each time you fail to complete a level. This adds a layer of challenge to the game, as players must navigate through increasingly difficult puzzles. However, there is a way to regain lives. A single life is replenished every 30 minutes, providing players with the chance to continue their adventure without needing to wait too long.

Tracking Your Lives

Players can easily monitor their remaining lives by looking at the heart-shaped icon located on the home screen. This icon displays the current number of lives available, allowing for quick assessments of your progress before jumping back into gameplay.

Teamwork: Requesting Lives from Teammates

If you are part of a team, you have the option to request additional lives from your fellow teammates. This social feature can be incredibly useful, especially during challenging levels where extra attempts are needed. However, there is a limit: you cannot request lives if you already possess more than ten free lives. This restriction encourages players to manage their lives wisely and fosters a sense of teamwork within the game.


In conclusion, lives in Royal Match are essential for navigating the game’s levels and challenges. By understanding how lives function, maximizing the benefits of the Royal Pass, and utilizing teamwork to request lives from teammates, players can enhance their gaming experience and increase their chances of success. Keep an eye on your heart-shaped icon, strategize your gameplay, and enjoy your journey through the enchanting world of Royal Match!

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